How can we help you today?
OUR STORY (con't.)

So when Greg Bennett and I were trying to create a production company in Washington, DC in 1987, we were strolling through a suburban Maryland mall talking about - what else - radio. It was then we saw a fax machine displayed.
'What's that?' I asked.
'Facsimilie machine,' Greg answered. 'It's very cool.'
He explained a little about the technology and how it could take a document and, almost instantaneously, transmit it around the world. It was then we looked at each other---and grinned. We'd been wondering what to do with all the extra scripts we were writing for client pitches that ended up not being used. Now we knew.
Opening 'Just the Fax' in October 1987, we started with one computer (a Radio Shack 4P with no hard drive), a typewriter, one fax machine and a phone. By April 1988, we had 15 full time clients including WMAL Radio in Washington, DC. By 1990 we changed our name to BENMARadio.
We added overnight production (thank you Fed Ex) and began a journey that would lead to innovation after innovation. Our Customer First system of writing created highly successful copy; our original ideas regarding how to present spec spots created a 40% success rate, one we maintain to this very day.
A move to Denver in 1991 brought us home. In 1993, Greg left the company to begin a highly successful career as a sales trainer and speaker (www.gregbennettsales.com).
Today, 34 years and over 130,000 original radio ideas later, it's time for Gen2 of BENMARadio. Stations from Australia and Italy, to Topeka and New York understand the power of our system - now it's time for you and your team.
Join us for the next Generation of success and quality and become part of our family of stations. Learn why we've partnered with professionals for 10, 15 even 20 years. We WILL make a difference in your stop sets, and we will help make your clients and salespeople more successful.